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Best Online Fitness  Training for Men & Women 55+By Grant Davis


 I can’t perform miracles and take you back 40 years or more. But what I can do is convey state of the art knowledge and application from THE top experts in the fields of nutrition, exercise and movement to allow you to Leverage this information to significantly limit the aging process. i was certified as a fitness trainer a decade ago and I'm nearly 70 today.

I’m months away from 70 and as a professional certified Trainer have utilized this information to be in radiant health. Without great genetics, hormones or PEDs (performance enhancing drugs). Can you do this yourself? Technically, yes, BUT let me share my years of research and experience from the best minds in each category and take the guesswork out of it for you.

You’ll receive:

Exercises and workouts tailored to your current level.   I explain all of the essential human movements. And I will custom them to your current capabilities. Nutrition science to enable you to eat correctly with flexibility. There are dozens of diets out there. All of which claim to work magic for your body. I take actual science and simplify the seemingly complex horizon to give you achievable, easy and time efficient results.
 Movement science to assess limits and then gain capability.  I am certified in Functional Movement performance , which will enable you to move much better and enhance flexibility.
Supplement Science.   While it is true that many supplements are not effective and/or markedly hyped, we research the few very helpful ones from trusted scientific reviews.  Aging Strong Today is based on nearly 40 years of training, research, and trial and error, as well as thousands of dollars spent on finding the best Nutraceuticals and Supplements.

Our health care system is designed to fix us when we are broken. That’s great if you have severe trauma, but it really doesn’t address keeping you healthy in the first place. Let’s face it, we are getting older, we are living longer and we have to take charge of our own health. Therefore, it’s critical to make positive decisions to reduce the chance of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. You don’t just want to be alive, you want to live!

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"Give me the goal you have – moderate or huge – and let me show you how to get there."


Stuart Birnbaum, CEO, Recovery Advocates

I have had the opportunity to work with Grant Davis for the past year. He is not only a superb physical trainer but has a profound understanding of the relationship between physical fitness and the holistic approach to total wellness. I run drug and alcohol treatment programs in Southern California where a great emphasis is directed towards recovery and the healing of body, mind, and spirit. Grant Davis fully appreciates and endorses this approach to total care. I have made great strides working with him and commend his eagerness to customize training to meet my needs! If Grant was a movie – I’d give him two muscular thumbs up!


Christine Farrell, Christine Farrell, MSN FNP-C

Grant is exceptional in his field as a personal trainer because of his in-depth knowledge of exercise physiology and nutrition. My workouts with him are always fun and varied and he is helping me to achieve my ultimate fitness goals of greater strength and a leaner body! I would highly recommend Grant for any person of any age who wants to have a fun and successful workout while achieving their fitness ideal!


Dr. Ed Saremi, Saremi & Johnstone Dentistry

Grant has been an exceptional trainer, programming workouts that really have advanced my strength and endurance. This has accelerated my performance significantly in my favorite sport- soccer. Grant has the knowledge and experience to help anyone who wants better performance and body image.

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